Janette Rodrigues, Administrative Director, Office of Integrative Medicine and Health,
Join us for GW Biomedical Cross-disciplinary Seminar Series: Connecting Academic Research & Inquiry Across Disciplines—a series of seminars that explore a new cross-disciplinary topic each year. For the inaugural year, the focus is "Inflammation in Chronic Disease: Cause, Consequence, or Both?" and will address both the treatment and prevention of chronic inflammatory diseases.
This lecture is on “Role of Immune System in Depression: Exciting Therapeutic Opportunity or Blind Alley?” with Golam Khandaker MBBS, MPhil, MRCPsych, PhD, Lead, Inflammation and Psychiatry Research Group, Wellcome Trust Intermediate Clinical Fellow at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. Working at the interface between immunology and psychiatry, his research examines novel immunological mechanism and treatment for major psychiatric disorders particularly depression and schizophrenia.