This symposium will focus on the neuroscientific mechanisms of acupuncture for pain and symptom management and its application in cancer care. It will connect neuroscience and basic research with clinical evidence for oncology acupuncture symptom management. International panelists will also present the progress and challenges of providing acupuncture services in the oncology setting.
The expanded two-day live virtual program will include:
- Dynamic live discussions with global experts on the role of acupuncture in treating cancer pain and other treatment-related side effects including insomnia, cognitive impairment, and gastrointestinal issues
- Presentations and group discussions on acupuncture in the COVID-19 era
- Panels that include patient advocates to highlight the patient perspective with pain and symptom management
- Interactive breakout workshops where you can learn strategies and ideas for implementing oncology acupuncture programs for your organization
This symposium is intended for health care providers (physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and acupuncturists) who diagnose, manage, and treat side effects of cancer treatment and those who develop programs (administrators) to improve quality of life for people with cancer.