Janette Rodrigues, administrative director, GW Office of Integrative Medicine & Health
Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies have allowed for the discovery of a whole new world inside out guts. This microbial ecosystem inside us—our gut microbiome—has now been linked to aging, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), bipolar disorder, anxiety and depression, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, and more.
The 6th Annual Patrick and Marguerite Sung Symposium: The Gut, Microbes, & Well-being will explore the gut microbiome and its role in promoting health and preventing disease with lectures from thought leaders in the field and a panel discussion followed by a Q&A. Organized by the GW Office of Integrative Medicine and Health, this virtual event will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. on Friday, April 21, 2023, and is free and open to the public.
The topics are:
- "What is the gut microbiome? What do we know? What don't we know?"
- "Development of the gut microbiome and long term health outcomes"
- "Evidence-based approaches to food & gut microbe interventions to promote health and treat disease"
- "Integrative Gut Health: The Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis"